Stormwater Division
Stormwater Division Resources
Stormwater Utility
A guide to the City of Johns Creek’s Stormwater Utility program & fees.
Learn moreFlood Plain Management
See how the City is addressing the impact of development on stormwater.
Learn morePet Waste Responsibility
Help improve our water quality and do your part in picking up after your pet.
Learn moreMS4
The MS4 is the portion of the Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) in the City that is under direct City control and ownership.
Learn moreStormwater Regulations
Learn about regulations that have been created to ensure stormwater is properly managed.
Learn moreWater Conservation
Information about the importance of conserving water & protecting water quality.
Learn moreStormwater Projects
Learn more about current and upcoming stormwater projects in the City of Johns Creek.
Learn moreSeptic System Maintenance
Information about the importance of maintaining residential septic systems.
Learn moreMake a payment
Payments are accepted on the City of Johns Creek website, or you can mail your Stormwater check payments to the City of Johns Creek, 11360 Lakefield Drive, Johns Creek, GA 30097.
Make a PaymentHow to Pay Your Stormwater Bill Online
The easiest and fastest way to pay your bill is through the Johns Creek website. Watch this video to learn more.
Lookup My Property
Every time it rains some of the water enters the ground, but the rest of the precipitation runs off over the land surface directly into streams, rivers, and lakes. This is known as stormwater runoff and the land area that drains to these bodies of water is called a watershed. (For more information, see Stormwater 101.)
If left unchecked, stormwater can lead to flooding and polluted waterways. Johns Creek shares the Upper Chattahoochee watershed with Fulton County and 14 other counties surrounding Metro Atlanta, all of which use the water bodies in this watershed for both drinking water and recreation. Everything that happens in this watershed – development, pollution, erosion, flooding – has the potential to affect the health and stability of our water, so proper stormwater management and watershed protection is essential.
To ensure water quality in the city is maintained and enhanced, negative stormwater impacts are minimized, and state and federal requirements are satisfied, the City of Johns Creek has developed a coordinated Stormwater Management Program using a variety of methods:
Watershed Planning
Using watershed as a framework for managing land use and developing large scale solutions to regional stormwater quantity and quality problems.
Development Requirements
Addressing stormwater impacts of new development and redevelopment through stormwater management requirements and minimum standards.
Erosion & Sediment Control
Controlling erosion and soil loss from construction and post-construction areas and resulting downstream sedimentation.
Floodplain Management
Preserving the function of floodplain areas to reduce flood hazards, minimize risks to human life and property, and reduce modifications to streams and protect water quality.
Operations Maintenance
Ensuring that stormwater management systems and structural controls work as designed and constructed. Includes the retrofitting of existing problem areas.
Public Participation & Involvement
Please see our Stormwater FAQ page for more information.
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
View more information on Municode.
Pollution Prevention
Please see our Stormwater FAQ page for more information.
Behind-the-Scenes: Stormwater Utility
Stormwater Utility Manager Cory Rayburn highlights the behind-the-scenes work of the City’s stormwater management program, including state-of-the-art technologies that help prevent flooding, protecting water quality, and preventative maintenance. The stormwater utility operates and maintains 150 miles of underground pipes and more than 5,000 catch basins in Johns Creek. The City actively inspects, cleans, and repairs these systems and stormwater utility funds are used to maintain, repair, and replace pipes and inlets that help drain our neighborhoods and lawns.