Stormwater Regulations
Gilbert Quinones
Land Development Manager
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Stormwater is a top priority in our community and regulations from local, state, and federal level have been created to ensure stormwater is properly managed, resulting in a safe, sustainable, and healthy environment.
In Georgia, the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) issues NPDES permits to local governments, and industrial and construction entities. The permits require the holders to use the best management practices (schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, operating and maintenance procedures, treatment requirements, and other practices) that prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants into Georgia waters.
Operators of construction sites disturbing one (1) acre or more (including smaller sites that are part of a larger common plan of development) must obtain authorization from the state to discharge stormwater under an NPDES construction stormwater permit and follow erosion and sediment control measures, as outlined in the construction permit they receive from the City.
Under the NPDES stormwater program, the City must request authorization from the state to discharge stormwater pollutants through its regulated Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), which are the roads, drainage systems, catch basins, curbs, and gutters owned by the City and designed for collecting and conveying stormwater to streams which are State Waters.
To be authorized, the City must submit comprehensive permit applications to the state and develop a stormwater management program designed to prevent harmful pollutants from being washed by stormwater runoff into the MS4 then discharged into local water bodies.
In addition, the City of Johns Creek must follow regulations from the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District on regional and watershed specific plans for stormwater management, wastewater management and water supply and conservation in a 15-county area around metro-Atlanta. Local governments within the district are required to adopt the regulations and enforce them through a series of ordinances.