Plan Reviews
Fire Marshal
The Fire Marshal’s office performs plan reviews on the following areas to ensure proper design, function, and safety. The required Fire Code compliance items and corresponding regulations which must be met are provided on the respective plan review pages:
Fire alarms are reviewed to ensure the proper design and calculations prior to the installation of a fire alarm and smoke detection system.
Learn moreChemicals
Wet chemical systems used in commercial cooking application are reviewed to ensure that they are designed and installed according to requirements in the adopted codes.
Learn moreHoods
Commercial kitchen hoods over cooking appliances (ranges, deep fryers, woks, etc.) are reviewed to ensure proper ventilation of grease laden vapors to the outside, and for the fire safety of the structure in which it is to be installed.
Learn moreInterior Finishes
Interior finishes are reviewed to ensure that buildings are being constructed to a high degree of fire and life safety for the public.
Learn moreSite Review
Building site and land disturbance plans are reviewed to ensure the proper fire department access, firefighting water supplies, and accessibility for the disabled.
Learn moreSprinklers
Automatic fire sprinkler systems are reviewed for the proper design and installation for all types of properties as required by the various adopted fire codes.
Learn moreThe Fire Marshal’s office also publishes the required fire engine/pumper turning radius and ladder truck turning radius to ensure architects and contractors develop and build appropriate designs.