Mayor’s Message January 2022
John Bradberry
Johns Creek, GA 30097
January 2022
I hope you and your family enjoyed a happy holiday season!
As I look forward to the year ahead, I first want to thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you and our community as your mayor. The council members and I are excited and ready to work on the big ideas and issues discussed during the recent campaigns. Our front-and-center priorities include making the Town Center a reality, maintaining a high degree of public safety, and building a greater and more cohesive community. I know our city is poised for great things, and the council is determined to represent all the residents of Johns Creek and advance our community.
Council Members Bob Erramilli, Dilip Tunki, Larry DiBiase, and I will be sworn in at the City Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 10 at 6 p.m. We will take our seats alongside council members Stacy Skinner, Chris Coughlin and Erin Elwood to form a council team that is ready to execute a vision and propel our community forward.
As residents of Johns Creek, you should reasonably expect your mayor and City Council to be strategic, thoughtful and deliberate. We will focus on those things which bring our community closer together, move our city forward, and ultimately add value for our residents and businesses. We are committed to civil discourse and, at times when we disagree, we can do so in a respectful fashion and conduct ourselves with decorum. We will be productive and efficient in our deliberations and remain open, transparent and ethical in our decision making.
On Jan. 13, we would like you and your family to join us for a City Hall open house and City Council meet and greet from 6-8 p.m. This event will be a unique opportunity to visit the top floor of City Hall where we will host a small reception welcoming Johns Creek residents and businesses. *Update: The Mayor & City Council Meet & Greet scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 13 has been postponed to a date to be determined.
To the business community, corporations and development companies, please know this is a new day in Johns Creek. Johns Creek is open and ready for business, investment and your best proposals for redevelopment. There is definite opportunity for economic development in Johns Creek, and we are ready for businesses, council and the community to work together to achieve great projects.
Additionally, after the City Council and I attend our strategic planning retreat in late January, I will be delivering a State of the City address sometime in mid-February. I’m looking forward to sharing with you more about our action plans at that time.
Our future is bright. Johns Creek is an amazing city, and with your help and support, we will be a truly great community. Thanks again and Happy New Year!
John Bradberry, Mayor
City of Johns Creek