Drug Drop-Box
JCPD Community Services

The Johns Creek Police Department placed a prescription Drug-Drop-Box in the lobby at City Hall, allowing citizens to safely dispose of unused medications and ensure these items do not get misused or endanger our environment.
This Drug-Drop-Box was provided to the police department courtesy of CVS as part of its drug collection program partnerships with local law enforcement agencies. The department will be able to collect the prescriptions year-round.
The Drug-Drop-Box is available for use Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and is located in the lobby at city hall at 11360 Lakefield Drive, Johns Creek 30097. The public is invited to use the drop-box, which is free and anonymous.
Interested participants can contact the clerk at the Police Records window who will provide a secure bag to dispose of medicines. The Records Clerk will unlock the box and permit participants to place bagged items in the Drug-Box. Only legal and non-liquid prescriptions can be dropped off in the drop-box. The police department will also provide Deterra bags, courtesy of the One Johns Creek Coalition, for interested participants to take home and safely dispose of liquid prescriptions. Syringe needles are not accepted.
Did You Know: JCPD collected 122.8 pounds of unused/expired medication in 2023.