Car Seat Assistance
Loren Johnson
Deputy Fire Marshal - Education

The best protection for your child in a car crash is a properly secured child safety seat that is appropriate for your child’s age, height, and weight. If a car seat is not installed correctly, your child could be at greater risk for injury.
The Johns Creek Fire Department offers Child Passenger Safety Education to parents and caregivers. Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians do not perform the installation of car seats. Technicians will demonstrate and educate parents and caregivers on the proper installation of the child restraint.
If you are physically unable to install the car seat, be sure to bring someone with you to the fire station that is capable of installing the child restraint.
Please bring the car seat manufacturer’s instructions and the owner’s manual for the vehicle that the car seat will be secured in, if possible.
Request Car Seat Installation Assistance
To request assistance, submit the online Install Car Seat form, or email Community Services or call Loren Johnson at 678-512-3362 to schedule an appointment.
JCFD can assist with car seat installs Monday through Friday via scheduled appointments only.
Georgia law requires all children under the age of eight to be properly restrained in an appropriate child passenger safety seat or booster seat. Read more about the state law.