Purchasing (Bids & RFPs)
Neil Trust
Purchasing Manager
Johns Creek, GA 30097
The City of Johns Creek Purchasing Division is responsible for obtaining needed goods and services by the most efficient and effective methods while providing the highest level of service and courtesy to our customers.
Current Bid Opportunities
Quotes, bids, and RFP’s are managed using Georgia Purchasing Group by BidNet. Vendors can register and view quote/bid/RFP opportunities.
Surplus Asset Auction
The City of Johns Creek Purchasing Division sells surplus vehicles and equipment as they become available per the City’s Vehicle and Other Assets Replacement Policy. City surplus vehicles and equipment are sold on-line, in open competitive auctions, and always open to the public. Interested individuals and firms may visit the online auction at GovDeals and used the advanced search for zip code 30097.
Purchasing Policy
The Purchasing Policy outlines how to do business in the City and details those purchases requiring a formal bid process and those considered informal purchases. In general, purchases greater than $100,000 require a formal sealed bid/RFP process.
Purchasing FAQs
How long does a bid have to be advertised?
A formal solicitation must be advertised a miniumu of fourteen days or more, depending on State Law regarding public works and road construction and/or specific grant requirements, and market conditions
Do all sealed bids have to be advertised in the newspaper?
Formal procurement of services valued at $100,001 or more shall be advertised in print at least (2) consecutive weeks.