City Clerk FAQs
Allison Tarpley
City Clerk
What is the City of Johns Creek Records Policy?
The City of Johns Creek, Georgia, adopted a Records Management Policy that fulfills the requirements of the State of Georgia and establishes a Records Management Program that is administered by the Records Manager.
It also establishes specific duties and responsibilities for all City employees and contractors in protecting City information. The City of Johns Creek follows the retention schedules provided by the Georgia Department of Archives and History.
How do I obtain copies of public records?
Please complete the online Request for Public Records. Or, request a paper copy of this form from the City Clerk at 678-512-3212. Fax completed paper forms to 678-512-3244.
What is the Georgia Open Records Act?
The Georgia Open Records Act (OCGA 50-18-70 through 77) establishes the right of every citizen to inspect and receive a copy of all public records, except those specifically exempt from being open. When the City receives a record request under the Open Records Act, it must comply with guidelines established in the law:
The City of Johns Creek shall determine if the requested records are subject to access and are public documents as defined by the Georgia Open Records Act. The City shall have a reasonable amount of time to determine whether or not the requested document(s) is a public record(s), but in no event shall this time exceed three (3) business days.
Documents determined to be public documents shall be produced at the earliest possible time after the City receives any applicable fees and copying costs.
If the records are not public documents as defined by the Georgia Public Records Act, the City must respond in writing specifying the legal authority for restricting access to the records.
If the public documents are not immediately available, the City must provide a written description of the records and a timetable for their production.
What is the cost of obtaining copies of public records?
The cost of obtaining copies of public records will vary depending of the complexity of the request and the record.
Normal charges are 10 cents per page for either hardcopy or electronic copy up to 11″ by 17″ black and white. Charges for color copies will vary depending on the size and type of paper required. Large format drawings will start at $5.00 for a 22” by 34″.
The administrative charge shall not exceed the lowest paid full-time employee who in the discretion of the City has the necessary skill and training to perform the request. The person making the request shall not be charged for the first fifteen minutes of that employee’s time in complying with request.
What are examples of public records?
The following are some of the types of Open Records:
- Zoning Case Files
- Final subdivision plat
- Certificate of Occupancy
- Permits
- Budget
- Meeting Minutes and Agendas
- City Charter
- Ordinances and Resolutions
- Licenses
- Contracts and Agreements
What types of records are exempt from the Open Records Act?
- Any record required by the federal government to be kept confidential
- Medical or veterinary records or similar files, the disclosure of which would be an invasion of personal privacy
- Certain records pertaining to law enforcement and prosecutions
- Accident reports, except upon the submission of a written statement of need by requesting party
- Documents relating to public employment
- Certain documents relating to public property
- Records of farm water used by individual farms as determined by water-measuring devices installed in pursuant to Code Section 12-5-31 or 12-5-105
- Financial and identification matters of City personnel
- Information relating to alarm systems
- Records that reveal the home address, home telephone number, social security number, insurance or medical information about public employees
- Records requiring protection for security purposes
- Documents relating to 911 Emergency Call Systems containing information which would reveal the name, address, or telephone number of person placing the call to Public Safety
- Trade secrets
- Attorney-client privilege
- Certain computer programs