Recreation & Parks FAQs
Recreation & Parks
11360 Lakefield Drive
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Johns Creek, GA 30097
What are the hours of operation of Johns Creek City parks?
All City parks are closed from 12 midnight until 6 a.m., seven days a week, but otherwise open for recreational use.
Can my pet run off-leash in City parks?
All pets must be on leash (except in designated areas) inside City parks. Pet owners must properly dispose of pet excrement.
Can you hunt in City parks?
No. Hunting of any kind (guns or bow) is prohibited.
Is camping allowed in City parks?
No. Neither overnight nor daylight camping is allowed.
Can I drive my car/truck/motorcycle/4-wheeler anywhere inside City parks?
Use of motor vehicles is prohibited except on designated roadways.
What is the speed limit on designated roadways inside City parks?
The speed limit is 15 MPH.
Can I solicit or post a sign inside a City park?
Solicitation and posting of signs are prohibited without advance written approval.
Is swimming allowed in the parks?
No swimming is allowed in a City park.
Can I use a City park for any non-recreational use?
No. Use of any City park facility, for other than its intended recreational purpose, is strictly prohibited.
Can I promote my event in City parks on kiosks, banners, or flyers?
The City only promotes City-sponsored events in City parks.