Stormwater Utility FAQs
Stormwater Utility
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Where do I pay online?
Visit the Johns Creek Stormwater webpage (www.johnscreekga.gov/stormwater) to pay your 2024 bill. There, you can also view any past due amounts from previous years (2021, 2022, and 2023) if not paid. When searching for your account, the easiest way to pull up your bill is to input your Bill Number and the year 2024. You can also search for your bill using other criteria such as Customer Name, Address (mailing), Parcel ID (no dashes and only one space after the first two digits, example: 21 578112600045), or Customer ID. To input these search criteria, you must click “Browse general billing public records” then click “Advanced Search”. When searching using these other criteria, only fill in one box before clicking search. When searching by Customer Name, try inputting your last name only and clicking search. Visit the City’s Lookup My Property webpage.
What is the Service Period for this bill?
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025.
Why is my bill higher this year?
This year, the City ran an impervious surface analysis that resulted in a more precise runoff measurement for all properties within the City. Your property may have jumped to the next billing class (see below table for reference). For more information, view the City’s Lookup My Property where you can review your property’s runoff characteristics by entering your address, Parcel ID, or zooming in on the map.
If you would like to submit a request to reassess your property, visit the Stormwater Utility webpage, scroll to the bottom and follow the prompts for completing a request form. You can also email the request to stormwaterutility@johnscreekga.gov.
How is the stormwater utility fee calculated?
The fee is based on the amount of stormwater runoff that flows off of a property. The most important factor in determining the contributing stormwater runoff from a property is the amount of impervious surface (areas that prevent rain from soaking into the ground) such as rooftops, driveways, decks, and swimming pools followed by the amount of pervious surface (vegetated land). Collectively, these land surface types are referred to as runoff area.
Runoff Area = (0.95 x impervious area) + (0.05 x pervious area)
The table below shows the Billing Class for residential and commercial properties based on the Runoff Area calculated above.
How do I find out how much runoff area is associated with my property?
Visit the City’s Lookup My Property webpage. Type in your address, Parcel ID number, or zoom in to the map. There you will find your property’s runoff area information, Bill Number, Customer Number, Stormwater Credits, and a link to the online payment portal. Make sure to copy or write down your 2024 Bill Number in order to quickly look up your account in the payment portal.
Stormwater Utility Fee Rate Schedule
Billing Class | Runoff Area Range (Square Feet) | Billing Unit (ERU)* | Billing Rate (Monthly)** |
Residential Tier 1 | 401 – 3,000 square feet | 0.5 | $2.90 |
Residential Tier 2 | 3,001 – 5,000 square feet | 1 | $5.80 |
Residential Tier 3 | 5,001 – 7,000 square feet | 1.5 | $8.70 |
Residential Tier 4 | 7,001 – 9,000 square feet | 2 | $11.60 |
Residential Tier 5 | 9,001 – 11,000 square feet | 2.5 | $14.50 |
Large Residential | More than 11,000 square feet | 1 per 4,000 square feet | $5/8- / 4,000 square feet |
Non-Residential | N/A | 1 per 4,000 square feet | $5.80 / 4,000 square feet |
** Billing rate for 1 Equivalent Residential Unit = $5.80/month
I no longer own this property. Am I responsible for the 2024 bill?
If there are past due amounts from previous years, you are responsible for those payments up until the sale of the property. You can pay previous years’ bills on the website.
Please provide the current owner’s name and mailing address (if different from the physical address) and we will send the current owner a bill.
Are there late fees?
A late fee of 10% will be assessed to any property owner failing to pay the utility fee before the billing due date (8/31). An additional 1% monthly interest fee will be assessed on past due amounts starting 12/1/24 for the 2024 amount due and on the 1st of each month for the 2021, 2022, and 2023 billing years.
Can you waive the late fees?
If you purchased the property this past billing year, late fees can be waived and the past due amount will be prorated. You will need to email a copy of the closing statement to stormwaterutility@johnscreekga.gov and we will process that adjustment. Other than this specific scenario, late fees and interest cannot be waived.
Why does my stormwater bill show a ‘Recent Transaction’ on 6/7/2024?
The City adopted an Amnesty Period last year from 9/1/23 – 12/31/23. If you paid a 10% late penalty during this time, that amount was credited towards your 2024 bill. See below for an example:
How do I pay the Past Due amount?
The easiest and best way to review and pay the past due amount for your property is online. You can also send in a check for the Account Balance; however, on the first of every month, 1% interest is added to the past due amount. If a check is sent in after the 1st of August, the amount due reflected on the paper bill will not be accurate.
I bought my house this past year and never received a 2023 stormwater bill. Am I responsible for the past due amount?
You are not responsible for the amount due prior to owning the property; however, you are responsible for the stormwater fee starting from the date of your home purchase. Please send documentation of the date of the purchase (such as a copy of your closing statement) to stormwaterutility@johnscreekga.gov with your contact information (phone number and address) and we will prorate the past due amount and waive any accrued late fees and interest.
Can I reduce my bill?
There are credits available that can lower your bill for next year, but credit applications are due by the end of each calendar year (December 31, 2024). The credit manual and application can be found on the Stormwater Utility website, under the “Can I reduce my fee” section. Credits are not based on age or income.
Is the Stormwater Bill covered by my escrow?
No, the Stormwater Bill is not automatically covered by your escrow. If you requested to have your mortgage company pay previous year’s bills to Fulton County, you will need to cancel that request for this year and direct payment to the City of Johns Creek.
Can I pay over the phone?
We do not accept payments over the phone. You will need to either send in a check, pay online, or pay in person at Johns Creek City Hall, 11360 Lakefield Drive Johns Creek, GA 30097.
Can I pay in person?
Yes, Johns Creek City Hall, 11360 Lakefield Dr, Johns Creek, GA 30097.
Can I enroll in AutoPay?
Yes. In the online payment portal, you will have the option to enroll in AutoPay for future payments. You will need to create an account, first, prior to having this option.
What does the Stormwater Utility do? What do I get for this fee? Is this a tax?
For the most updated information on the Stormwater Utility, visit the Johns Creek Stormwater Utility Website. You can also visit the City of Johns Creek website and scroll to the bottom and find a link to the stormwater page.
In short, the Stormwater Utility operates and maintains over 150 miles of underground stormwater pipes and over 23,300 stormwater assets (catch basins, headwalls, junction boxes, etc.) that drain the roads and prevent flooding on private property during heavy rains. We do not maintain ditches or creeks unless they are within the public right of way.
Stormwater Utility bills are a fee, not a tax. They are based on your contribution of runoff to the public infrastructure. Johns Creek City Council chose to adopt this approach, rather than increase taxes, in order to have a dedicated funding source for long term maintenance needs of our drainage infrastructure.
Stormwater Utility’s Adopted Extent of Service
I’d like to file an appeal of this stormwater bill.
You can file an appeal by visiting the Stormwater Utility website, and scrolling down to the bottom of the page. Please provide any backup information you have regarding your appeal and we will respond in a timely manner.
For additional questions, email stormwaterutility@johnscreekga.gov.