Public Works FAQs
Public Works
Johns Creek, GA 30097
How do I report pot holes, downed trees, dead animals, flooding, sink-holes, ice patches, etc. in the roadway?
Please contact City Hall at 678-512-3200 (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or complete a Service Request.
How do I report a traffic light out or a sign down?
Call 678-512-3200 (Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or complete a Service Request.
How do I report a streetlight outage?
Streetlights in Johns Creek are maintained by your utility company. If you’re a Sawnee EMC customer, call 770-887-2363 or use the online form at Sawnee EMC.
If the problem is not resolved to your satisfaction or in a timely manner, complete a Service Request to report it to the City. We will contact your utility company and track resolution of the problem.
Who do I call if I’m having water or sewer problems?
Contact Fulton County Water Resources to report any problems you have with water or sewer. To report a water problem, call 770-640-3040. To report a sewer problem, call 404-612-3061 (press 1 for emergency after hours).
What drainage structures does the City maintain?
The City maintains the stormwater drainage system in the City’s right-of-way or other City-owned land, or that portion legally conveyed to the City by the written dedication and acceptance.
Who is responsible for maintaining the detention pond in my neighborhood?
The property owner and homeowners association are responsible for maintaining operational characteristics of all detention basins, retention ponds and other impoundments so they continue to operate as originally designed.