Riki Forney
Construction Manager
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Glass Recycling
Johns Creek residents can recycle glass at the following locations:
- Ocee Park, 10900 Buice Road
- 6460 East Johns Crossing
Visit Ripple Glass for a complete list of recycling locations in Johns Creek.
Recycling Events
Each fall, the City hosts a collection event in which residents can properly dispose of paint and household chemicals. Accepted items include: mercury items, pool chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, acids, corrosives, gasoline, automotive fluids, oil and latex-based paint, aerosols, fire extinguishers, propane tanks, and more. Check the City calendar for event date and details.
Bulky Recycling Day
Johns Creek offers an annual Bulky Items Recycling Day in which residents can bring items not typically collected by a curbside waste hauler, which are then donated, refurbished, or recycled. Accepted items include: electronics, large appliances, furniture, clothing, books, grills, lawn furniture, bicycles, and more. The event is held during the summer at City Hall (11360 Lakefield Drive). Check the Keep North Fulton Beautiful website for pre-registration details.
Bring One for the Chipper
This event allows residents to recycle their Christmas trees the first Saturday in January at the Home Depot on State Bridge Road. Trees are chipped by Davey Tree Company and turned into mulch for residents and businesses for free. Learn more about the event on the Keep North Fulton Beautiful website.
Options for Hard to Recycle Items
Waste Management – Think Green From Home Program
The Waste Management Think Green From Home program allows for a convenient mail-back option for CFLs and Fluorescent Tubes, batteries, electronics, and syringes/lances. Visit the Think Green From Home for more information and pricing.
Item-Specific Resources
Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (the curly lightbulb)
Unbroken CFLs can be brought to any Home Depot or Lowe’s to be recycled. At the store, bring them to the Returns counter for recycling.
Electronics + Accessories
Any brand of computer or computer-related item (monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, cords, cables, etc.) in any condition can be recycled through the Dell Reconnect Program at the all of the Goodwill locations listed below.
Printer Cartridges
Office supply stores often have incentives and programs to recycle cartridges at their stores. Call or visit your local office supply store to find out about incentives and collection procedures.
Crayon Recycling
The National Crayon Recycling Program accepts all types of crayons for recycling – broken, unusable, big or small! The crayons require no prep before mailing – anyone can collect crayons and ship them to be recycled. Perfect for schools, libraries, or restaurants, learn more and access resources about starting a crayon recycling program.
A Better World Book donation bin can be found at St. Brigid Catholic Church, 3400 Old Alabama Road, and other locations.
Recycling Locations
Johns Creek residents can recycle at the following locations. Fees may apply.
*The 2023 recycling pilot program partnership with Forsyth County has ended.
Can’t Recycle? Consider donating it!
North Fulton Community Charities Donation Center
11270 Elkins Rd; 678-387-4469
Schedule a furniture or appliance pickup
Salvation Army Donation Center
3825 Venture Drive; 770-623-0943
Schedule a pickup
Goodwill of North Georgia Donation Centers
10955 Jones Bridge Road, Johns Creek, 678-297-2790