Police Recruiting
Join Our Team!
The Johns Creek Police Department strives to set the standard all others choose to follow. Explore this page to learn how you could join our department.
We’re hiring
JCPD offers a $5,000 hiring bonus at the completion of Field Training, an $800 housing stipend for those who live in Johns Creek, and many other benefits.
Upcoming Police Officer Applicant Testing
The City is accepting applications for Police Officer positions for its next quarterly Police Recruiting Process.
Interested parties should complete the online application for the certified police officer position and review the City’s police officer recruiting process (below).Interested parties should also review the steps of the hiring process, steps to reapply and the length of the hiring process. See below for upcoming dates. Qualified candidates will be contacted by email at least 10 days prior to the assessments date. Qualified candidates who pass all requirements will be placed on an eligibility list, which will be valid for one year or until a new list is created.
Only those interested parties who receive an email from the City will be permitted to participate in the assessments. These applicants should R.S.V.P. as instructed and bring their completed forms to check-in.
If an applicant does not successfully pass the Oral Interview, he/she will be eligible to reapply after one year.
If an applicant does not successfully pass the Physical Agility Test, he/she will be offered an opportunity to retest one time within the next three testing periods. If still unsuccessful, he/she will be eligible to reapply one year after the Oral Interview date.
Please note: Anyone who has submitted a resume online should note that they do not need to reapply for one year. Online submissions are active for at least 12 months.
March 25 and March 26, 2025
Resume Submission Deadline
March 14, 2025
Any recruiting questions should be sent by email to RecruitPD@JohnsCreekGA.gov.
Steps of the Hiring Process
Our process includes a variety of tests and assessments, interviews, and evaluations. Learn what it takes to join our team.
Our Hiring ProcessQualifications
The following sections detail our requirements but are not all-inclusive. Please see the JCPD Officer Job Description for full details.
Minimum Qualifications
Minimum Qualifications
- Must be a US Citizen or a repatrioted/naturalized citizen of the US as of the date employment commences (POST standard)
- Must be able to hear within the normal audible range (200 to 8000 Hz) with or without correction
- Must have 20/20 vision with or without correction
- High School diploma (or GED equivalent)
- Must possess a valid Georgia Class C Driver’s License
- Must be 21 years of age
- No felony convictions during your lifetime
- No termination for cause from a local, state, or national civil service or other merit system
- No convictions for DUI/DWI within the past three years. No more than one conviction of DUI/DWI in your lifetime
- If certified, must maintain a valid POST Certification with required 20 hours of training
Accepted Scores for POST
The following scores are the minimum scores required for exams and exam sections.
- Reading: 38
- Writing: 35
- Numerical: 35
- Reading: 70
- Writing: 32
- Numerical: 26
- Verbal/Critical Reading: 430
- Math: 400
- Verbal & Reading: 18
- Math: 16
- Reading: 75
- Math: 75
- English: 75
Tattoo Policy
The following is an excerpt from the Police Department’s Standard Operating Procedure 04-05 Uniform and Dress Code.
G. The display of any unprofessional or offensive tattoo or brand, by members of the Department is prohibited. The following list includes, but is not limited to, the following types of tattoos:
- No head or neck tattoos.
- Depictions of nudity or violence.
- Sexually explicit or vulgar art, words, phrases or profane language.
- Symbols likely to incite a strong negative response in any group (i.e. swastikas, pentagrams, etc.).
- Initials or acronyms that represent criminal or historically oppressive organizations (i.e. KKK, SS, street gang names, numbers and/or symbols).
- The final decision on all tattoos, to include current employees and pre-hires, will be made by the Chief of Police.
Additional Information
Applicants who are disqualified during the Hiring Process will be notified whether they are eligible to reapply in the future. If no disqualifications are identified, most applicants will be immediately eligible for future openings or hiring processes. A new online application must be submitted during the stated dates.
Length of the Hiring Process
The department maintains an eligibility list and if an opening were to become available the selection process takes approximately 2-6 months from start to finish to complete.
The City of Johns Creek offers a comprehensive employee benefits package. View our Benefits Brochure for more information.
Benefits Brochure (PDF)