Backyard Chickens
Code Compliance
The City permits residents to keep domestic animals or livestock, such as chickens, but residents will need to comply with select conditions found within the Animal Control code (Animal lControl – Sec. 10-4 – Nuisances) which states:
Any housing or enclosure used by any domestic animal or livestock shall be well-drained free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odors and otherwise clean and sanitary. Animal excrement shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the City Manager or his/her designee.
A domestic animal or livestock shall be kept at the following minimum distances from any occupied building, except the dwelling unit of the owner. Exceptions include licensed veterinary hospitals, commercial kennels, grooming parlors and public or commercial horse facilities:
Animal | Distance (In feet) |
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl | 100 |
Except in an area zoned for agriculture, each domestic animal or livestock shall be provided with the following average minimum floor or ground area in the enclosure or housing in which it is kept. Exceptions include licensed veterinary hospitals, commercial kennels, grooming parlors and public and commercial horse facilities:
Animal | Area per animal |
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl | 4 |
Except in the areas zoned for agriculture, the maximum number of domestic animals or livestock that may be kept on any single premises shall not exceed the following. However, the actual number of chickens that may be permitted on a single premise is determined by the property’s ability to meet the distance and shelter requirements stated above. Exceptions include licensed veterinary hospitals, commercial kennels, grooming parlors, and public and commercial horse facilities:
Animal | Maximum Number |
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl | 75 |