News FAQs
Communications Department
Who I contact for media inquiries and interview requests?
Media inquiries/interview requests regarding police or fire, general city business, use of the city name or logo, marketing/branding, advertising, and public relations should be directed to Communications at 678-512-3200 or Communications@JohnsCreekGA.gov
How do I file a Request for Public Records?
Please complete the online Request for Public Records form. Or, request a paper copy of this form from the City Clerk at 678-512-3200. Fax completed paper forms to 678-512-3244.
Can I use photos or written content from the City website in a newsletter, flyer or website?
Please request permission in writing in advance of use. All images and text on the City website are copyrighted by the City of Johns Creek and protected by applicable laws. Republication or redistribution of this content, including by framing or by similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of the City of Johns Creek.
United States and foreign copyright laws and international conventions protect the contents of this site. You agree to abide by all copyright notices. Please review the Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.
Can I use the City logo in a newsletter, flyer, video, television show, or website?
Not without written permission, in advance of use. The City retains copyright on the official City logo.
Where, how, and when is the Johns Creek Seal used?
The Johns Creek Seal is utilized as a mark of authorization and decree. The use of the Seal is appropriately limited to only the most official City uses, such as embossing for oaths of offices, certifications, proclamations, resolutions, contracts, licenses and/or other legal documents requiring an official stamp.
Reproductions of the Seal are approved for display in the City Council Chambers and Municipal Court only. External use of the official Johns Creek Seal is strictly prohibited.
How can I list my event on the City Calendar?
Only Johns Creek events of public interest sponsored by non-profit organizations taking place in Johns Creek will be added to the City’s online Calendar. Please submit a request to add an event to the calendar.
Can I have a link to my business or organization on the City website?
Only approved non-profit organizations (libraries, accredited schools, cultural organizations, parks and business associations), other government agencies and area hospitals have links on the City website. (Please see our Posting Guidelines). However, local businesses which have an active City business tax certificate and have provided their website address are listed in the Business Directory.
How do I find upcoming meetings and events?
All City meetings and City-sponsored events are listed on the City’s online Calendar, which also includes event listings for non-profit organizations, accredited schools, cultural organizations, parks, and business associations.