City Code
Allison Tarpley
City Clerk
The Johns Creek Municipal / City Code contains all laws/ordinances for the City and has been codified by Municipal Code Corporation with the following general organization:
Part I Charter and Related Laws
Subpart A Charter
Subpart B Related Laws
Part II Code of Ordinances
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Chapter 2: Administration
Chapter 6: Alcoholic Beverages
Chapter 10: Animal Control
Chapter 14: Elections
Chapter 18: Emergency Management and Emergency Services
Chapter 21: Fire Prevention and Protection
Chapter 22: Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Regulations
Chapter 26: Municipal Court
Chapter 30: Nuisances
Chapter 34: Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions
Chapter 38: Parks and Recreation
Chapter 42: Solid Waste
Chapter 46: Streets, Sidewalks and Other Public Places
Chapter 50: Taxation
Chapter 54: Traffic and Vehicles
Subpart Land Development Regulations
Chapter 101: General and Administrative Provisions
Chapter 105: Buildings and Building Regulations
Chapter 109: Natural Resources and Environmental Protection
Chapter 113: Development Regulations
Code Comparative Table Ordinances
State Law Reference Table
- Skipped chapter numbers are reserved for future use.
- The codified version is updated three times per year. Please see Munidocs for a complete list of approved Ordinances, both codified and awaiting codification.
Search and view signed copies of all ordinances and resolutions.
Ordinances & Resolutions
The ordinances of Johns Creek, Georgia, are the laws enacted by the City Council for the purpose of conducting the affairs of the City. For example, ordinances include rules and regulations regarding zoning, building, alcoholic beverages, taxes and budgets.
They are codified on a quarterly basis and incorporated into the overall City Code.
The Johns Creek City Council regularly adopts resolutions – written motions – as it conducts its business as the legislative authority of the City. A resolution deals with matters of special or temporary character. It formally expresses the governing body’s opinion or will adopted by an official vote. Resolutions are confined to one subject and record official administration actions not supported by the city’s charter or Code of Ordinances. (GMA City Clerk Handbook – do we need to site?)
Resolutions are public records. Copies can be obtained by visiting Munidocs or contacting the City Clerk’s Office.