Finance FAQs
Ronnie Campbell
Finance Director
11360 Lakefield Drive
Johns Creek, GA 30097
Johns Creek, GA 30097
What is the city’s fiscal year?
Johns Creek’s fiscal year runs from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.
Who has responsibility for property valuation for property tax purposes?
The Fulton County Board of Assessors is responsible for valuing all real and personal property within Fulton County, including the City of Johns Creek.
They can be reached at 404-612-6440 or by mail at: Fulton County Board of Assessors, Suite 1047B, 141 Pryor Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303.
What role does the City of Johns Creek have in property valuation?
The City of Johns Creek has no role in determining the valuations set on either real or personal property. All inquiries should be referred to the Fulton County Board of Assessors.